Klaviyo Toolkit 1.7 or later provides a tool that allows you to export your WooCommerce subscription statuses in a CSV format. You can then import this CSV into Klaviyo and create a custom profile fields for your subscribers to track their subscription status.
1 .Using the export tool
- Navigate to the “Tools” tab under your Klaviyo Toolkit plugin’s admin area:
- Click the export button.
- Stay on the page until the export has completed. Once done you can click the “Download CSV” button to download your file.
2. Understanding the file
The generated CSV file will include a row for each user with a subscription (no matter the status) and will include a first with the user’s email and subsequent columns for each subscription ID in the following format:
Email, wc-sub-product-XX, wc-sub-product-XX
user1@website.com, active, cancelled
user2@website.com, cancelled, active
user3@website.com, pending-cancel, cancelled
XX = The subscription product ID. Each different subscription will have it’s own column
The value of the wc-sub-product-XX column will reflect the current status of the subscription:
active, pending-cancel, cancelled, on-hold, expired
Important: If a user has multiple subscriptions with the same product ID, this tool will only extract the latest subscription.
3. Importing into Klaviyo
We’ll now import this CSV into Klaviyo in order to update your existing users and add custom profile fields to match their subscription status.
1. Log into Klaviyo.
2. Navigate to “List & Segments“.
3. Create a new list called “All WC Subscribers”. Klaviyo will only allow you to import into lists so we’ll create this as a temporary.
4. Once the list is created, click the “Upload contacts” button.

5. Upload the CSV you exported with Klaviyo Toolkit.
6. Select each column to import. If Klaviyo doesn’t already have a field to map to under the “Klaviyo profile property” dropdown, the click “Create new field” option and then “Create”.

7. Once you selected all columns, click the “Next” button.
8. Important: on the next step it asks “Did these contacts subscribe to email marketing messages?” Make sure to select “No, import without updating subscription status”

9. Click import. Each of your subscription customers should now have new custom profile fields that match their current subscription products and statuses.
10. Once all have been imported, you can remove the list you created at the beginning of this step.
4. Creating segments for subscription statuses in Klaviyo
Once you’ve imported your subscription customers, you can then create segments based on this custom profile field as follows:
1. Navigate to “List & Segments“
2. Click “Create New” > “Create Segment”
3. You’ll want to define the segment as “Properties about someone”, the property matching your subscription product ID, and dimension as whichever status you want to segment.

4. Repeat the steps to create new segments for different subscription statuses and products.
5. Keeping subscriptions in sync
As of version 1.7 or later, the Klaviyo Toolkit plugin will automatically update these custom profiles you imported in point #3 above anytime a subscription event happens.
So for example, say a customer has a custom profile field of wc-sub-product-123 with a value of active. If that user where to cancel their subscription, the Klaviyo Toolkit plugin will automatically update their status to “pending-cancel”. If they decided to reactivate their subscription, the plugin will set the subscription back to “active”.